Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating Your Golf Handicap

Golf is a game of precision, accuracy and skill. One of the key aspects of the game is the calculation of a player’s golf handicap. A golf handicap is a measure of a golfer’s ability to play the game, and it is used to level the playing field when players of different abilities compete against each other. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore the process of calculating your golf handicap.

Step 1: Gather Your Scorecards

The first step in calculating your golf handicap is to gather your scorecards from recent rounds of golf. You will need at least 5 scorecards to begin the calculation process.

Step 2: Determine Your Adjusted Gross Score (AGS)

Once you have your scorecards, you will need to determine your Adjusted Gross Score (AGS) for each round. The AGS is calculated by taking your gross score and adjusting it for any handicap-stroke holes on the course. This will give you an accurate representation of your performance on each round.

Step 3: Calculate Your Handicap Differentials

After determining your AGS for each round, you will then calculate your Handicap Differentials. The Handicap Differential is a measure of how well you played in relation to the course difficulty and is calculated using the formula: (AGS – Course Rating) x 113 / Slope Rating.

Step 4: Determine Your Handicap Index

Once you have calculated the Handicap Differentials for at least 5 rounds, you will then determine your Handicap Index. This is done by taking the average of the lowest differentials (rounded to the nearest tenth) and multiplying it by 0.96.

Step 5: Apply Course Handicap

Finally, you will need to apply your Course Handicap when playing on a specific golf course. This is done by taking your Handicap Index and multiplying it by the Slope Rating of the course, then dividing by 113. This will give you the number of strokes you can subtract from your gross score for that particular course.


Calculating your golf handicap may seem like a daunting task at first, but by following this step-by-step guide, you can easily determine your handicap and use it to improve your game and compete with players of different abilities on a level playing field. So, gather your scorecards, calculate your AGS, determine your differentials, and apply your handicap index to start playing better-golf!

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