A Beginner’s Guide to Frisbee Golf: How to Get Started

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What is Frisbee Golf?

Frisbee golf, also known as disc golf, is a game where players throw a frisbee or disc into a target, typically a basket or a metal pole with chains and a basket. The objective is to complete each hole in the fewest number of throws.

Getting Started

If you’re interested in trying out frisbee golf, here are a few steps to help you get started:

  1. Find a local frisbee golf course: Use online resources or ask around to find a course near you. Many public parks have frisbee golf courses that are free to use.
  2. Get the right equipment: You’ll need a set of frisbee golf discs, typically including a driver, mid-range, and putter. It’s also a good idea to have a bag to carry your discs and perhaps some water and snacks.
  3. Learn the rules: Familiarize yourself with the basic rules of frisbee golf, including how to properly throw a disc, determine the order of play, and keep score.

Basic Techniques

Here are some basic techniques to help you improve your frisbee golf game:

  • Grip: Hold the disc with a comfortable grip, using your thumb on top and your fingers underneath. Experiment with different grips to find what works best for you.
  • Stance: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your non-throwing shoulder facing the target. Shift your weight from your back foot to your front foot as you throw.
  • Throwing: There are various throwing techniques in frisbee golf, including backhand, forehand, and overhand throws. Practice each of these techniques to see which one feels most natural to you.

Improving Your Game

As you become more comfortable with the basics of frisbee golf, you can work on improving your game through the following tips:

  • Practice regularly: The more you practice, the better you’ll become. Find a nearby frisbee golf course and make time to play on a regular basis.
  • Watch others play: Observing more experienced players can provide valuable insights into technique, strategy, and course management.
  • Stay patient: Frisbee golf is a game of skill and patience. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate improvement. Keep practicing and learning from your experiences on the course.


Frisbee golf is a fun and accessible sport that people of all ages can enjoy. With the right equipment, basic techniques, and regular practice, you can improve your game and have a great time on the course. So grab your frisbee golf discs and head to the nearest course to get started!

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