Golf Glove 101: Which Hand Should You Wear It On?

When it comes to playing a round of golf, one of the most important accessories you can have is a good golf glove. This small piece of equipment can make a big difference in your game, providing added grip, comfort, and control. However, there is often confusion about which hand the golf glove should be worn on. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of wearing a golf glove on your dominant hand versus your non-dominant hand, and provide some tips for choosing the right glove for you.

Wearing the Golf Glove on Your Dominant Hand

For right-handed golfers, the dominant hand is usually the left hand, while for left-handed golfers, the dominant hand is usually the right hand. Many golfers prefer to wear the glove on their dominant hand because it provides added grip and control during the swing. The dominant hand is responsible for most of the power and control in the golf swing, so having a glove on this hand can help ensure a firm grip on the club and prevent slipping or twisting during the swing.

However, wearing the glove on the dominant hand can also lead to greater wear and tear on the glove, as it is the hand that is making the most contact with the club. This means that golfers who choose to wear the glove on their dominant hand may need to replace their gloves more frequently than those who wear it on their non-dominant hand.

Wearing the Golf Glove on Your Non-Dominant Hand

Some golfers prefer to wear the glove on their non-dominant hand, as they feel it provides a better fit and more comfort during the swing. Wearing the glove on the non-dominant hand can help reduce the risk of blisters and calluses, as it is the hand that is making less contact with the club. It can also help provide more support and stability to the non-dominant hand during the swing.

However, wearing the glove on the non-dominant hand may also result in less control and grip during the swing, as the dominant hand is not covered. This can lead to a looser grip on the club and potential slipping or twisting during the swing. It is important for golfers who choose to wear the glove on their non-dominant hand to make sure they have a proper fit and secure grip on the club to prevent these issues.

Choosing the Right Golf Glove for You

Ultimately, the decision of which hand to wear the golf glove on comes down to personal preference and comfort. Some golfers may prefer the added control and grip of wearing the glove on their dominant hand, while others may prioritize comfort and support by wearing it on their non-dominant hand.

When selecting a golf glove, it is important to consider factors such as fit, material, and durability. A good golf glove should fit snugly but comfortably, with no excess material or bunching. It should be made of a breathable and flexible material that allows for a natural feel and movement during the swing. Additionally, choosing a durable glove that can withstand regular use and provide a secure grip on the club is essential for a successful round of golf.


In conclusion, the decision of which hand to wear the golf glove on is a matter of personal preference and comfort. Both options have their pros and cons, and it ultimately comes down to what feels best for the individual golfer. By considering factors such as fit, material, and durability, golfers can choose a glove that provides the right balance of grip, comfort, and control for their game.

Whether you choose to wear the glove on your dominant hand or your non-dominant hand, the most important thing is to find a glove that enhances your game and allows you to play your best round of golf. Experimenting with different gloves and hand placements can help you determine the best option for you, so don’t be afraid to try out different combinations and find what works best for your game.

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