Golfing 9 Holes: How to Speed Up Your Game


Golf is a game that requires patience, skill, and precision. However, with the busy lives that many people lead today, finding a way to enjoy the game in a shorter amount of time has become a priority for many golfers. One way to do this is by playing 9 holes instead of the traditional 18. In this article, we will discuss how to speed up your game while playing 9 holes of golf.

Benefits of Playing 9 Holes

Playing 9 holes of golf has become increasingly popular for several reasons. Firstly, it takes less time to complete a round, making it easier to fit into a busy schedule. Additionally, it can be more affordable than playing 18 holes, as many golf courses offer discounted rates for 9-hole rounds. Finally, playing 9 holes can still provide a great golfing experience without the time commitment of a full 18 holes.

Tips for Speeding Up Your Game

When playing 9 holes of golf, it’s important to be mindful of the pace of play to ensure that you and your fellow golfers have an enjoyable experience. Here are some tips for speeding up your game:

  • Be ready to play when it’s your turn
  • Limit practice swings and pre-shot routines
  • Play “ready golf,” where the player who is ready to hit goes first
  • Keep an eye on the group ahead of you and be ready to play when they are out of range
  • Be efficient on the green by reading your putt while others are putting

Etiquette on the Course

While it’s important to play at a good pace, it’s also crucial to maintain proper golf etiquette when playing 9 holes. This includes repairing divots, raking bunkers, and taking care of the course. Additionally, being courteous to other golfers by not talking during their shots and not distracting them while they are putting will help keep the game enjoyable for everyone.


Playing 9 holes of golf can be a great way to enjoy the game in a shorter amount of time. By following the tips for speeding up your game and maintaining proper etiquette on the course, you can have a fun and efficient round of golf. Whether you’re a busy professional looking to fit in a quick game after work or a beginner looking to ease into the game, playing 9 holes can be a great option. So grab your clubs and hit the course for a faster, more convenient golfing experience!

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